Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Simply Trusting

Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You....... Psalm 56

That's the message the children have learned here in our Home of Angels.  A message that is being passed on to the newer children by their older brothers and sisters.  A message of how His love never fails and not to be afraid in their new home or with their new life.  Our most recent child "Precious" for example.  A very humble little girl that is only 3 years old.  She wouldn't look you in the eye when she first arrived but now she is wanting a hug every day and I am the one blessed to give that hug.

So much has happened over the past few months.  The elections for President were in February and there was some unrest in the country, especially near us.  Edwin and the children evacuated to his father's village where they were safe and were well fed.  The schools were closed and reopened 2 weeks later.  They are now having to go to school 6 days a week to catch up.

While they were gone, we lost our 1000 chickens to Newcastle disease which was a shame. We needed the eggs for protein for the children and the loss was also felt in the community as the children gave out eggs to people with HIV/AIDS.  It's not just the children that are "Simply Trusting", Edwin and I are too.  We know that He is in complete control of our operation and we will be able to order more chicks very soon.

We plan to go into the northern villages to find more children next month.  We feel that we are ready and have stabilized to where the new children have all adjusted.  We will be looking for more sponsors in the near future so if anyone is interested in supporting a child, we would be so grateful.

In Uganda, the culture is that each child has up to 3 names.  We were introduced to this child as Stella  but when I arrived, she was known as Precious.  We are not sure what other names she has but since she is so "precious"....we will stick to that name.  She is only 3 years old, goes to school 5 days a week and is being trained to work like the other children.

This is the start of our long awaited moving day.  The girls packed up all their belongings and transferred them into the new home that Northview church so kindly donated.  We now really need to find children without a home as we be able to accommodate many more.

Girls new home

Oh boy....was this a challenge.  We needed to clean up the original latrine by peeling all the bright red paint off.  The kids, Edwin and I spent 3 days scraping and finally........

Edwin was able to paint it a more neutral colour matching the other latrine.  The kids are using the showers here only.

The little people come home early afternoon every day so I get to spend time with them before naps.  Because of the heat, they usually crash for 3 hours and up in time for the others to come home for their break.

We are very blessed to have this woman as our Aunty.  She loves the children as her own and she works so hard both in heat and rain to make everything right for them.  This is porcho she is making for lunch and dinner.  The ambulance you see in the background helped us bring firewood one day when the engine failed as it was leaving.  They are in the process of getting it fixed now.

Meet Aunty Aidha.   She too is very dedicated in making the children feel comfortable and teaching them the ways of survival.   Aidha is our chief program coordinator and works with the children teaching them about Jesus.  She is also the expert in taking out jiggers in their feet when they first arrive.

I wanted to capture a picture of the children off to Sunday school.  They honestly are like this all the time.  Smiling and never angry with one another.  They are the happiest kids I have ever seen and we are so proud of the older ones for the guidance they provide to the little ones.  This is Annet in the black dress holding Alan in the white shirt.  She came to us at 12 years old being sole provider for her 2 siblings.  Her sisters are being taken care of in the village and we make sure she sees them.

Edwin and I are so grateful to all the people around us that have done something to make our Home of Angels successful.  There are so many of you from around the world who have gone out of your way to make a difference.  We want to thank Elliot and his team for making a website for us.  We have had very positive reactions and I know it will make a difference for us in the future.


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